Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Happy New Year

Hey my lovers and Babys and Dreamers etc.

This is for you.

It was a fucking year and it was awesome.
So many people all over the world.
It is a crazy world he?

We was sad and happy and so much fucked.
But now we say hello 1012.
What's up man?

I really thank you guys for the best time,

Noone can be so sexy like you guys.

I will love you.

This year i started to let you know, who I am.
Someone was see i am not so shy like the past year.

I talk so much shit about Sex etc.....

You should follow my twitter....


So See you there guys.

Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

What's up?

I will never kiss you again,
For i will never miss again.
I will never kiss you again
Never miss again.

"Bad Girls breaking your Rules."

"Get the F**k out of my life!"
"Go to the hell!"

"Love is just a foolish war!"

"Be welcome, dear stalker!"

Who can say where the road goes,
where the day flows.
Only time...
And who can say if your love grows,
as your heart chose.
Only time...

I wanna feel the superstride... I wanna leave you far behind...  

I wanna take you on a roller coaster
I wanna tell you that I'm feeling closer
I wanna push it right over the line
The line that you draw as you draw me near
I wanna leave you far behind..

Feel the supers...

Feel the supers...

I wanna leave you...

I wanna leave you far behind...

Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Need rest for the time

Q.At the time you have a rest of your Music life. Tell us why?

Morizu: I need rest. It is better for me. Venom of Destiny is history because it wasn't a really best project. By the way it was not my project. Katy was ask me if i want come in to this project. I mean i really work hard for this Band and some days later there was my ex boyfriend. But it is a long history I think.

Q: You have win Fans. What is your feeling about it?

Morizu: No no. I don't want to say to the people Fans. They are just persons who like my music. I don't want to get be famous. I just want share my music for fun. Not for work. I don't need the money on stage. You know? I see some good Artists they are really better than me. But i am happy to know people who like my music. Thanks guys.

Q: What you do in your free time?

Morizu: At the time i really work hard for the The Fool Support. Next to this I write lyrics of my thoughs and unhappyness. I am very unhappy at the time. But you will known this when i share you the music. 

Q: You have a Boyfriend right?

Morizu: No sorry. I haven't a Boyfriend now. He was lie into my face. It is a long history. He is married and i haven't know this. But hey. The live will go straight on. But i think for Love it need's time. Time to know the person and time to trust a person. 

Q: What do you take on Halloween?

Morizu: Nothing. Yeah I know but i need time for me. This year was very be stressed for me. Stress with Job stress with friends and stress with family... So i think i need a rest.

Q: When did you want to take a new Band or Project?

Morizu: I don't know.. Maybe i stop this. Maybe not. I don't know. So I can't say that i take a new project when i haven't the right members for it. German people are very difficult in that. It is not easy to find the right members for it ^^ For a Band it needs time too. 

Q: Last one. Why you don't want to be famous?

Morizu: I see some Bands and they haven't their own charackter. They don't are themself. I mean the most artists have a wrong character opposite of their real. But it gives Artists they are so like every persoin too. But the most have forget that they was little too. That makes me believe that i don't want forget who am I.

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

Power outage on 10/11/2011.

It was after 22 o'clock where the city was without electricity.
And suddenly there was a power failure. About 2 hours,
the whole city I'm living without electricity.
In addition, I spent time with my family. We waited until we had power again.

I tried to calm my little cousin.
She was screamed so loud.
"I'm scared!"
Yes my little cousin is visiting us for 2 weeks.

I reassured her with words:
"Don't worry, I'm with you. Nothing happends to you."

It is not easy to calm her.
But she was fall into sleep after a half hour.
That was makes me happy.

My mum was turn on the candles.

Stupid that my grandpa was saied:
"The world goes under"
I mean it was just a power failure.

Yes but after two hours we had power again...

Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

What's going on?

At the time i must tell you something.
Maybe it is hard to understand why I write lyrics.
It is a good feeling to let you know how I feel.

By the way....don't make music.
Because I was leave my Band Venom Of Destiny.
I feel sick at the time.
Sorry for that.
Maybe I will start from now on a perfect life.

Yes i try.

Don't forget this pictures.
Maybe i will start in one year a new thing.
Or not.
I don't know.
I will just a Support at the ime.
For interesst?
Send a message here
But thank you.

I am not away from this world.
So don't worry.
I try to take more Videos.

Don't worry guys.

Morizu loves you.

Sonntag, 25. September 2011

My dreams will come true

Yes on 18th of  November i ride to Cologne/Germany.
The first time where i see my favorite Band.

The name of the Band actually you know.

It is THE FOOL. <3

I am really happy about it.

After the concert i spens time with Yana.
She's a friend.
Yes we don't know us real but on this day actually we do.

I hope that Lia can come too.

With Lia to talk is very important for me.
She understand me with feelings and something like that.

My other dream was to ride with the train called ICE.
It is the first time to.
And the other dream was to see Cologne.

I am really happy. Thanks so much.

The way of pain.

Silent tears falling down.
Nobody can hear your scream.
Your voice is so different.
Nobody can feel your pain.
Try to forget is a wrong way.
But you can not find an other way.
Now what you will do?
Do you Stay.
Or do you go the wrong way?.
It is your fault.
I just wish you the best.