Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

What's going on?

At the time i must tell you something.
Maybe it is hard to understand why I write lyrics.
It is a good feeling to let you know how I feel.

By the way....don't make music.
Because I was leave my Band Venom Of Destiny.
I feel sick at the time.
Sorry for that.
Maybe I will start from now on a perfect life.

Yes i try.

Don't forget this pictures.
Maybe i will start in one year a new thing.
Or not.
I don't know.
I will just a Support at the ime.
For interesst?
Send a message here
But thank you.

I am not away from this world.
So don't worry.
I try to take more Videos.

Don't worry guys.

Morizu loves you.

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