Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

What's up?

I will never kiss you again,
For i will never miss again.
I will never kiss you again
Never miss again.

"Bad Girls breaking your Rules."

"Get the F**k out of my life!"
"Go to the hell!"

"Love is just a foolish war!"

"Be welcome, dear stalker!"

Who can say where the road goes,
where the day flows.
Only time...
And who can say if your love grows,
as your heart chose.
Only time...

I wanna feel the superstride... I wanna leave you far behind...  

I wanna take you on a roller coaster
I wanna tell you that I'm feeling closer
I wanna push it right over the line
The line that you draw as you draw me near
I wanna leave you far behind..

Feel the supers...

Feel the supers...

I wanna leave you...

I wanna leave you far behind...

Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

Need rest for the time

Q.At the time you have a rest of your Music life. Tell us why?

Morizu: I need rest. It is better for me. Venom of Destiny is history because it wasn't a really best project. By the way it was not my project. Katy was ask me if i want come in to this project. I mean i really work hard for this Band and some days later there was my ex boyfriend. But it is a long history I think.

Q: You have win Fans. What is your feeling about it?

Morizu: No no. I don't want to say to the people Fans. They are just persons who like my music. I don't want to get be famous. I just want share my music for fun. Not for work. I don't need the money on stage. You know? I see some good Artists they are really better than me. But i am happy to know people who like my music. Thanks guys.

Q: What you do in your free time?

Morizu: At the time i really work hard for the The Fool Support. Next to this I write lyrics of my thoughs and unhappyness. I am very unhappy at the time. But you will known this when i share you the music. 

Q: You have a Boyfriend right?

Morizu: No sorry. I haven't a Boyfriend now. He was lie into my face. It is a long history. He is married and i haven't know this. But hey. The live will go straight on. But i think for Love it need's time. Time to know the person and time to trust a person. 

Q: What do you take on Halloween?

Morizu: Nothing. Yeah I know but i need time for me. This year was very be stressed for me. Stress with Job stress with friends and stress with family... So i think i need a rest.

Q: When did you want to take a new Band or Project?

Morizu: I don't know.. Maybe i stop this. Maybe not. I don't know. So I can't say that i take a new project when i haven't the right members for it. German people are very difficult in that. It is not easy to find the right members for it ^^ For a Band it needs time too. 

Q: Last one. Why you don't want to be famous?

Morizu: I see some Bands and they haven't their own charackter. They don't are themself. I mean the most artists have a wrong character opposite of their real. But it gives Artists they are so like every persoin too. But the most have forget that they was little too. That makes me believe that i don't want forget who am I.

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

Power outage on 10/11/2011.

It was after 22 o'clock where the city was without electricity.
And suddenly there was a power failure. About 2 hours,
the whole city I'm living without electricity.
In addition, I spent time with my family. We waited until we had power again.

I tried to calm my little cousin.
She was screamed so loud.
"I'm scared!"
Yes my little cousin is visiting us for 2 weeks.

I reassured her with words:
"Don't worry, I'm with you. Nothing happends to you."

It is not easy to calm her.
But she was fall into sleep after a half hour.
That was makes me happy.

My mum was turn on the candles.

Stupid that my grandpa was saied:
"The world goes under"
I mean it was just a power failure.

Yes but after two hours we had power again...

Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

What's going on?

At the time i must tell you something.
Maybe it is hard to understand why I write lyrics.
It is a good feeling to let you know how I feel.

By the way....don't make music.
Because I was leave my Band Venom Of Destiny.
I feel sick at the time.
Sorry for that.
Maybe I will start from now on a perfect life.

Yes i try.

Don't forget this pictures.
Maybe i will start in one year a new thing.
Or not.
I don't know.
I will just a Support at the ime.
For interesst?
Send a message here
But thank you.

I am not away from this world.
So don't worry.
I try to take more Videos.

Don't worry guys.

Morizu loves you.

Sonntag, 25. September 2011

My dreams will come true

Yes on 18th of  November i ride to Cologne/Germany.
The first time where i see my favorite Band.

The name of the Band actually you know.

It is THE FOOL. <3

I am really happy about it.

After the concert i spens time with Yana.
She's a friend.
Yes we don't know us real but on this day actually we do.

I hope that Lia can come too.

With Lia to talk is very important for me.
She understand me with feelings and something like that.

My other dream was to ride with the train called ICE.
It is the first time to.
And the other dream was to see Cologne.

I am really happy. Thanks so much.

The way of pain.

Silent tears falling down.
Nobody can hear your scream.
Your voice is so different.
Nobody can feel your pain.
Try to forget is a wrong way.
But you can not find an other way.
Now what you will do?
Do you Stay.
Or do you go the wrong way?.
It is your fault.
I just wish you the best.

Mittwoch, 31. August 2011

Should i want to missing you?

Every picture.
I saw your smile.
I saw our happiness.
But now it is over.

Maybe I left you alone...

But it is not my fault.
I missing you every day and every night.

You come closer to my heart.
I was give someone the trust.
Some people maybe talks shit about me.
Yes i give a FUCK of that.

But some persons believe in me.
Thanks guys.
Maybe we can start more crazy things.....

Thank you for being this who you are.

Freitag, 19. August 2011

New New New

My new haistyle.
Btw more the color ..


Let's get freaky. xD
We did it he?

Berlin gets crazy.

Dienstag, 16. August 2011

03.11 am inn Germany xD

At the time i can't sleep.
I don't know, but it's to warm.
When i open the window it get warmer.

I want to go to Berlin this weekend.
Meet a lot of friends.
It is very important for me to spend time with my friends.

At the time I am a little bit be stressed.
I work hard for the Support.
Yes i support a Band called "THE FOOL".
You know them?

It is not easy to take a good job.
But I'll do my best.

The beautiful Lie

You told me some history,
but it wasn't truth.
You told me you love me,
but it wasn't truth.
You told me nice words,
but it wasn't truth.
You told me you are by my side,
but it wasn't truth.
You told me I am your life.
Thanks, for the beautiful Lie.

Just the darkness

A pain will no more feel sad.
The darkness will come over you.
It feels cold.
Hungry eyes watching you.
Hungry Beast follow your scared breath.
You run.... and run.... and run.
You run into the darkness.
Nobody hear your scream.
Nobody can help you out of the darkness.
The Beast will come closer.... and closer.... and closer.
You don't find the way.
You can't find the way out of darkness.
You only fall deeper and deeper.
This is your last breath.
You can't alive.

Montag, 15. August 2011

My message to you.

Anguish and fear.
These are our strengths?
Or only one weakness in life?
There are things in life that you have to worry about.
No matter how painful it is at the end.
Perhaps it is also difficult.
Be it with friends or family.
In the end it is only really unbearable.
I've learned from my mistakes.
I've realized what it means to fight.
Be it with your partner or by dreams.
At the end you can do anything.
You just have to believe firmly.
And never forget it, whoever you are and who you'll be.
Fight for your goals.
Fight for your family.
Fight for your dreams.
Only then will you see what it means to exist.

Who fights can lose.
But who does not fight has already lost.

Freitag, 12. August 2011

084 ~ 741

At the time i haven't some ideas and time for 
write on my Blog.
Maybe i am very busy.

By the way.

I will thank a lot of people who believe in me.
Thanks to Friends.
We are all together now.

I never want to miss you some day.

I am happy to know people.

You made my day guys.

I love you all.....##So much


Samstag, 30. Juli 2011

Your questions my answers. #2

Q: How much important are your family for you?
Morizu: My family is really important for me. My Mum is my second heart. I am a really family typ. My family is my hold of my life. And my friends are my family too.

Q: Do you really want to be forever Single?
Morizu: What? No! I mean at the time i don't want a Boyfriend. Maybe i meet the real one, but where? He must be just a lovely Boy i think. But it need's the time.

Q: Do you feel famous?
Morizu: No i don't want to feel famous. I am not famous. A don't want it. I am just a person like ohter people. I have friends, i have family, i have fun etc. You know?

Q: How is your feeling when you are in Love?
Morizu: Oh. ahaha♪ I think you will know this feeling. I mean every person can feel it. 

Q: Would you come to Russia?
Morizu: Oh yeah!!!! I WANT IT!!!!! I like and love Russia. I want it to much. ♥

Q: What you think about France?
Morizu: Oh i really like France. The language is so beautiful. I want to visit France !!!

Q: Do you have enough musican fans?
Morizu: Uhm.... maybe yes.... maybe no. I don't ask my friends if they take music. The most tell me when they have a live show. But they are just humans like every people too.

Freitag, 22. Juli 2011

Up to date.

It is simple to say...

"Hey girl be my girlfriend!"

Guys please don't say this one to me.

I mean.... 
I want a Boy who loves me really....
A Boy---lovely, nice, crazy.....and not a liar.

Sometimes i wished i am not a Girl from here. 

But shit happends.

I am happy here.

Happy to have friends.....

Happy to have a mum...[not a dad] <--- because he was leave me forever alone.

Germany Germany.

Not the best Land.

But we life here.

Yes and 
message to my sweet home Italia too.

Dear Grandma....
i miss you so much.

And all my italian friends.

I love you.

See ya.....

Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011

Scary Nighbours

I mean....
it is funny. LOL
But the laugh of this boy

It is like a deathscream or something like that.



I am not bitchy.

I am just hard in my life.

Motherfucking pieces on earth.

Omg i am happy.

Today i was write with my oldest brother.
It makes me happy.
One year we haven't contact.
But now.

He will come on Saturday to visit me and my family.
I can not wait.
I am very happy.


Freitag, 8. Juli 2011

What a day.

It is not the same.
Today is a beautiful day?
If u think that?
I don't know.

I eat some watermelon 
For warm days is it really good.
I eat it really much.

you know the Band marlee?
If  got the flyers where i have bought the The Fool album.
Yeah but actually i don't know many things of marlee

A friend says 
It looks like Miyavi.
Hmm i don't know if that so but it is okay. 

Did you know the game PIGG on Ameba?
I really love that game.
Me and some friends fishing there.
It is always funny.

Yes I am everyday online on Twitter
You want to follow me?
Than my name there is Morizu_Official.
Yeah !!!

Hmm i haven't know what i can post here right now. 
But i hope it is okay when i post some things of m past time too.
I think it is okay or?

Yes Bianco NERO.
Nero is the thing...
Did you know that Nero is a name?
It is the name of the drummer of MERRY.
Maybe he is the reason why we like this coffee bar.
And the drinks there taste really fantastic.
Berlin times is really great. ^^

Yes Nicky me and Trixi ahaha 
It is a crazy picture.
I look so bad.
Scary MOVIE or something like that.

This is one of my favorites.
Snoopy socks are rocking the world. xDDD

hahaha yes this picture was take last year.
i remember that i've take this by nicky her homeplace.

okay that's all for the first time.

see ya,

Past time

Despairs Ray live Berlin Columbia Club/Germany

This was my style on this day.
OMG too funny or?

I want share it on this Blog
because i really like this one.


Despairs Ray Live.
I want to say that i am not a fan.
I don't know.

But this day was great.
I was meet some friends.

I like that.
Trixi and me.


Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011

My cute dog

I can not live without my dog.
He is my baby and my little hope.
No one can be so a perfect friend for me.

So lovely.
I love you.

Thanks that you was alive.
Without you i am nothing.

Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011


I am sad about a message of a boy.
When i look to the pictures with him and his pet 
i start to cry.
But i know this pet has fighting for her live.
I know she watches over him, and she gives him the strengh to not give up.
I know that.


Lttle cute Utaji.

Montag, 20. Juni 2011

At what song should I dance?

1. E-Nomine - Tier in mir

2. Agonoize - Zero Zero eight one

Tell me the Song you mean, where i should dance..
And yes i upload it than on youtube.

Let me know.

Come on.


Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011

What kind of music u like.

Q: What is music for you?
Morizu: Music is a kind of life that gives you the freedom. A life with love and security. Music gives me the strength to hope in the people not to lose. She gives me strength to survive tough times. Music channelsand brings my life.

Q: Tell us a little more about how you create music. How does an idea become a recorded song?
Morizu: I can capture text from my past. It is not always easy to find ideas at all. Every effort should be covered well. As far as feelings and thoughts of me, I am very careful with my words.

Q: Let's get to know you a little better. Can you tell us about your hometown and what it was like growing up there?
Morizu: My hometown is in itself a small town. It is located right on the border of Poland, but Germany. Schwedt is known as the industrial city. I like my home very much, but it is also time to meet other customs. Is not it?

Q: Who have been your greatest musical and fashion inspirations?
Morizu: Oh that's a really nice questions. I like Rammstein, Bullete for my Valentine, Leather Strip, Aganoize, Oblivion Dust etc. But not just Rock music. Of PoP and R&B i like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Snoop Dogg etc. From east side calls J-rock. I like Sugizo with Lun Sea very much, or Dir En Grey, BLOOD, Onmyouza etc.

Q: What other jrock bands do you like?
Morizu: Others..... hmmmm yeah. I hear so many Bands and don't say that every Band is so great and perfect, but i respect their Work. I mean I like BLOOD so much. Kiwamu is my Idol. I respect him really much. His work is amazing. He has his own online-shop, hiss own label, he is a producer and a musican. I mean it is really hard work. That's why I respect him.